Site notice
KSM Castings Group GmbH
Cheruskerring 38
D-31137 Hildesheim
Phone: +49 5121/505-160
Executive Board:
Horst Fischer (CEO | CSO)
Detmar Kampmann
Commercial registry:
Amtsgericht Hildesheim, HRB 202841
Value added tax identification number:
DE 280764238
Press contact:
Sandra Dichter
Phone: +49 5121/505-4944
franzki communication gmbh
Copyright ©2024 by KSM Castings Group
Privacy Policy
KSM Castings appreciates your interest in our company and its products. In order to fulfill your information request, you may be asked to provide personal information. This information is entirely voluntary. As a global company KSM Castings operates a number of websites around the world. All the information you send in any country to one of our websites may be sent electronically to a server for one of these sites in another country. This information may be outside of the country in which it was collected, used, stored or processed. Your personal data will be stored in conformity with the data protection provisions of the country in which the website is operated. Detailed information about privacy please find on the relevant website.
All rights reserved. The contents include pictures and the designs of KSM Castings - Website is protected by copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. No dissemination or alteration of the content of these pages or of the frames or similar measures is permitted. Moreover, these contents may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties.
Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks used on the KSM Castings are protected by law. This applies above all to company logos and signs.
The information provided to you by KSM Castings on this website has been compiled with the greatest care and is continuously updated. Despite careful control, accuracy can not be guaranteed. KSM Castings excludes all liability or warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information provided on this website. This is particularly true for websites referred to via hyperlinks. These are third-party websites over which we have no control. KSM Castings excludes any liability for the content of such websites. KSM Castings is also not responsible for the data protection precautions of the operators of such websites.
KSM Castings reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or additions to the information or data provided. Insofar as our Internet pages contain forward-looking statements, these statements are based on opinions and estimations of KSM Castings management and are subject to risks and uncertainties. KSM Castings is not obliged to update such forward-looking statements. All liability for such statements is expressly excluded.
License rights
KSM Castings aims to present you with an innovative and informative website. We hope that we meet your expectations. However, we would like to point out that the intellectual property contained therein, including patents, trademarks and copyrights is legally protected. This website does not license the use of the intellectual property of KSM Castings Group. Duplication, dissemination, reproduction, further transmission, and other uses are prohibited without the written consent of KSM Castings.
The header images are photomontages of images from the KSM Castings Group, photos by Volker Hanuschke and the following stock photos:
©AdobeStock: Arthur (Group of three young)
©AdobeStock: khairulz (two persons)
©AdobeStock: sirisakboakaew (Group of three old)
©AdobeStock: sirisakboakaew (Medium-aged group of three)
Header of single job offers change from the above images
more pictures
Employment & Finances: ©AdobeStock: joyfotoliakid
Leisure & Family: ©AdobeStock: stockphoto-graf
Sport & Health: ©AdobeStock: NataliaKlenova
Career: ©AdobeStock: jirsak
Social Engagement: ©AdobeStock: Shutter B
Employee photos: Volker Hanuschke
Backgrounds of contact boxes and teaserimages in slider on homepage also correspond to the header images
other unspecified images: KSM Castings
This page provides outline information on KSM Castings and legal information about our Internet presence. For any queries regarding KSM Castings or ideas about the structure or content of this site please contact above contact address.
Cheruskerring 38
31137 Hildesheim
Phone: +49 51 21 505 - 1400