FAQ – frequently asked questions
You can contact the respective contact person. The responsible contact persons for our locations and applications can be found on our website. Or you just use our job search.
Alternatively, you can use the contact form of our unsolicited application if you know exactly what you want to do (or if you don't know it at all).
The KSM Castings Group offers training for the following professions:
- Foundry mechanic (die and permanent mold casting) (m/f/d/x) in Hildesheim
- Toolmaker (m/f/d/x) in Hildesheim and Wernigerode
- Industrial mechanic (m/f/d/x) in Hildesheim and Bergisches Land
- Electronics engineer (m/f/d/x) in Hildesheim
- Mechatronics engineer (m/f/d/x) in Wernigerode
- Industrial clerk (m/f/d/x) in Hildesheim
- IT specialist (m/f/d/x) in Hildesheim
This is possible in principle, but depends on various conditions, so it is not possible to give a general answer to this question. As a rule, we always try to find a good solution.
To work part-time is possible during an employment relationship, but not during a training.
Of course. We repeatedly offer factory tours - for groups or school classes in most cases. Please contact Laura Wachalski, phone: +49 5121 505-274
Unfortunately, this is not possible during training. The two-part training – thus vocational school attendance and the practical training in the company – is mandatory in Germany. Attending a German vocational school is compulsory.
Our training courses take between two and three and a half years - depending on the training program.
A reduction of the training period is possible under certain conditions.
Yes! Our canteen offers three different lunches every day – always including one vegetarian dish.
Yes. We are cooperating with two universities in Hanover: The Leibniz-Fachhochschule Hannover (University of Applied Sciences) and the Hochschule Hannover (University of Applied Sciences and Arts).
The KSM Castings Group offers dual study programs in the following fields:
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Production Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Design Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Industrial Engineering
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Businexx Informatics
The dual study program includes a commercial or technical training – with a standard period of study of seven semesters (including the Bachelor's thesis).
Important: After two years, all trainings are completed with a full IHK exam (exam of Chamber of Industry and Commerce).
More detailed information can be found here.
We offer retraining measures in some areas and for certain occupations. In order to determine whether retraining is possible, please write to us using the contact form.
At the KSM Castings Group, working clothes have to be worn in the Production. There are no rules regarding the other areas, but a recommendation in most cases.
There are various parking opportunities in the direct vicinity of the company premises.

Cheruskerring 38
31137 Hildesheim
Phone: +49 51 21 505 - 1400
E-Mail: info@ksmcastings.com